Operation Kid Safety 1st


Our Mission and Support

Our mission is to develop a menu of options from which one can choose different educational topics, covering a wide range of public safety awareness and preparedness.  Anyone in the educational system or public safety industry can contact us and request an event to be organized.  The organization of these events will be free charge to the schools and only require an agency to provide us with a subject matter expert.  Our topics will range from "Stranger danger," bicycle and pedestrian safety, to Red Cross emergency training.  We will offer programs that teach healthy living and positive attitude as well as information directed to parents and guardians, regarding gang activity and how to recognize a troubled teen. 

We have a wealth of knowledge to draw from due to our involvement in the Northern California Chapter of APCO and Scott's 18 years in the local public safety industry.  I have been collecting information and sharing ideas with people in both the educational and public safety industry and the message is clear.  There is a need for this type of service and no one has come forward to fill this need until now.  We are very proud and excited to be able to break ground with this program.

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