Operation Kid Safety 1st


About us

Operation Kid Safety 1st was born from discovering a need.  We realized that with all of the budgetary cuts seen in both the educational system and public safety industry, there are too few employees able to dedicate their time to organizing events that teach important lessons at our schools.  Invaluable lessons about how to be safe in the event of an emergency and lessons about making choices in their young life that will affect their futures.  We feel strongly that presenting information in a fun and positive atmosphere is the most effective way of helping the most kids.
Scott and I have been instrumental in organizing such events at our sons school for the past several years.  The knowledge, contacts and dedication we have for Operation Kid Safety 1st is what drives us to bring these types of events to more schools.

Please call Jackie at (916) 302-4460 or email jackie@kidsafety1st.org for more information about our program list.
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